Where do I park?

Most people park in the parking lot located on the west side of the building. If you enter the parking lot from the south side, off Pikes Peak Ave, you may park in any of the guest parking spaces next to the building. There are also reserved handicapped spaces available. You are also welcome to park on 20th St in front of the building or along the side streets of Kiowa or Pikes Peak.
What entrance should I use?
There are also two entrances available from the parking lot on the west side of the building. If you have children or teens, we welcome you to enter through the farthest west entrance to check them in. If you are heading straight to worship service, you may proceed up the ramp to the west entrance. Wherever you enter, our First Encounters team is happy to greet and assist you.
What if I have children?

If you have children (nursery through 5th grade), we welcome you to enter the education wing from the Child & Teen entrance right off the parking lot. An Academy Kidz Check-In Host or Children’s Ministry Director will be in the children’s foyer to welcome and assist you, check your kids in to our Children’s Ministry program, and show you to their classrooms. Our young child area for birth-preschool is on the first floor of our education wing and the K-5thclassrooms are located on the 2nd floor.
What about Middle School & High School Students?
If you have students in 6th through 12th grade, we welcome you to enter the education wing from the Child & Teen entrance right off the parking lot. A Check-In Host will be in the children’s foyer to welcome and assist you with checking in your students. You can then proceed to the worship center, where your students will join you for the first part of the worship service. They will be dismissed for a student breakout session in the Youth Room on the 2nd floor of the education wing during the second half of the worship service.